Logistics and inventory management using Smart Glasses and linked tools provide visual displays of order picking instructions along with information on where items are located and where they need to placed on a cart, freeing pickers’ hands of paper instructions.
Pick Handsfree
Select items using both hands
Pack Handsfree
Pack and stack items using both hands
Barcode Scanning Handsfree
Efficiently and effectively scan codes on the fly
Weight Confirmation
Confirm Weight accurately end efficiently
Navigate premises and warehouses efficiently
Hands Free Operation
Use both hands on the job while simultaneously doing your paperwork
Here are a few key benefits of Smart Logistics and Inventory solutions.
Improved Productivity
Improved Picking Accuracy
Easy System Integration
Improved Weight and Volume Accuracy
Improved Routing Efficiency
Hands Free Operation
46% increase in pick and pack productivity
Global Logistics
15% supply chain efficiency
22% improved picking performance