Knowledge Management

Progress Graph 2KNOWLEDGE is power. Through the twisted turns of life we devour vast amounts of information. We digest this information and process it, gaining valuable experience; building knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge drives our every thought and action, propelling us forward day in and day out.

KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT takes place with the embedment of core knowledge. The core skill of taking ownership of learning and development is required when entering the workplace or a tertiary institution. Individuals that have acquired a true culture of learning will excel and be successful in any environment.

KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT drives the inner workings of learning and development, and much the same as in individuals that excel due to solid inherent knowledge, organizations maintain competitiveness through focused knowledge development.

Why is Knowledge Management Important?

Strategy and Knowledge ManagementKNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT is the under emphasized cornerstone of an individual and a business strategy to deliver key objectives. Knowledge Management links the challenge of limited resources and organisational capabilities to that of strategy execution through a focused knowledge strategy, human capital development and improved systems and processes.

Organisational development and knowledge management efforts must be focused on effectiveness and efficiency enabling organisations to achieve strategic goals and remain competitively ahead.

What is Knowledge?

Knowledge TriangleDATA comprising of facts and figures compiled with know-how, understanding, experience and insight creating contextualized INFORMATION that’s consolidated, categorized and focused for application of KNOWLEDGE.

Where is this Knowledge?

Location of KnowledgeEXPLICIT knowledge is usually housed in Content Management Systems (CMS), process documentation, and intranets.
TACIT knowledge is most often found in people’s heads, as experience and know-how.
COLLECTIVE KNOWLEDGE is usually found in formal and informal networks in and around the organisation.

How is the why, what and where important?

By understanding the foundations of KNOWLEDGE and KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT one can begin to see ways learning and development can be more effective and efficient.
It’s with this methodology Team Forward has its foundation and provides insight and opportunity for organisations and individuals to maximise development through sound KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT principles.

Broad Categories of Knowledge?

Knowledge CategoryCORE KNOWLEDGE – Focused large scale learning. Strong focus on explicit knowledge, however best results are obtained when blended with group engagement and opportunities to share and collaborate.
SPECIALISED KNOWLEDGE – Focused skill based knowledge development. Strong focus on individual learning and assessment where specific job related skills are required.

Team Forward’s consultancy on knowledge management has delivered:
– Country Wide improvement – 75% in 8 weeks
– Vehicle focused Knowledge Base improvement of 190%
– Confirmed core baseline knowledge ranges between 25% and 40%

Our Offering

Winning Teams PROThe Winning Teams Model supports key company strategy by measuring, tracking and mapping CORE KNOWLEDGE. The model and knowledge mapping tool facilitates the development of positive attitudes, skills and behaviours to:

  • CREATE – a non-threatening, motivating learning environment
  • DRIVE – common focus on core knowledge to meet strategic business objectives 
  • DELIVER – immediate performance feedback 
  • ASSESS – core knowledge levels and retention 
  • DELIVER – an environment for applied knowledge
  • BUILD – co-operation and team-work 
  • DEVELOP – communication skills and individual confidence 
  • CULTIVATE – a learning culture within the organisation

Knowledge Base Developer LogoKBD is a collaborative network of resources to facilitate and deliver online learning and development initiatives, within a strong knowledge management framework focused on SPECIALISED or CORE KNOWLEDGE.

  • DEVELOP TAILORED COURSES – full control of course & content
  • BUILD YOUR BRAND – create, manage & expand your online profile
  • EXPAND YOUR REACH – online platform has increased reach
  • STUDY ANYTIME ANYWHERE – completely web based
  • OWN TIME, OWN PACE – you decide when & where

TF Logo Full SmallWe design online surveys and quizzes that support the measurement and mapping of knowledge. This can be used to assess individual’s knowledge or obtain an overview of an organisations’ knowledge base relative to SPECIALISED or CORE KNOWLEDGE.


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